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Writer's pictureEdwina Walker


When you consider all the money we spend on hair, nails, skincare, makeup etc, it's easy to understand why we say that that being girl is expensive as hell, but did you know that you were being charged more for the same basic products that men use too simply because of something called the "pink tax"???

The pink tax isn't an actual tax per se, it's described as the higher prices that are often charged for products marketed to women, compared to similar products that are marketed to men. This can include a wide range of products, from personal care items like razors and shampoo, to clothing and even home goods.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the pink tax, including gender-based price discrimination and the fact that many products marketed to women are seen as "luxury" items, even if they serve the same basic function as products marketed to men.

One example of the pink tax can be seen in the prices of personal care items. Razors marketed to women are often more expensive than those marketed to men, even though they serve the same basic function. This is often attributed to the fact that women's razors are marketed as being more "luxurious" or "feminine," which allows companies to charge a higher price.

The pink tax also affects clothing. Women's clothing is often more expensive than men's clothing, even when the items are similar in style and function. This can be seen in the price difference between a men's and women's suit, for example. Again, this is often attributed to the fact that women's clothing is marketed as being more fashionable or stylish, which allows companies to charge a higher price.

Another area where the pink tax can be seen is in home goods. Products like cleaning supplies and tools are often more expensive when they are marketed to women, even though they serve the same basic function as products marketed to men. I've definitely seen toolkits marketed to women (the pink ones), but I've never seen cleaning products that were clearly being marketed to men because truth be told, they really don't like to clean lol. Well...not the ones that I know at least lol.

The pink tax is a controversial issue, and there are a number of different arguments for and against it. Some people argue that the pink tax is a form of discrimination ( and I agree 100%), and that it unfairly targets women and reinforces gender-based stereotypes. Others argue that the higher prices for products marketed to women are justified due to the added value that these products offer, such as being more stylish or luxurious.

Regardless of which side of the argument you fall on, it is clear that the pink tax is a complex issue that affects a wide range of products and industries. It's important for us girls to be aware of the pink tax, and to consider the price differences between products marketed to men and women when making purchasing decisions because for real for real, we could be saving tons of money over the years by simply buying the men's version of most of our unisex products! First life hack of 2023---CHECK!

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